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To Have a Pet or Not

To have a pet or not have a pet is a question pondered by many. There are many benefits to both depending upon one’s lifestyle. And of course, what naturally follows is what kind of pet to have with dogs and cats taking the lead. Some people will turn to somewhat less active pets like birds, turtles and fish.

Whatever type of pet that fits our lifestyle, the medical community will tell us that our health is better for having one for many reasons. Some are of an emotional nature, and some are more physical like taking a dog for a walk multiple times a week. Either way, there is evidence that a pet impacts our well-being.

Experts will tell us that one of the best benefits to pet ownership is having joy and laughter consistently in our lives. Who doesn’t enjoy watching pet antics on our social media feed? (Yes, I do know there are some.) Animals love to be spoken to, and most will welcome a kind touch of affection. So do people and often this relationship keeps both strong and healthy. The feeling of being needed and having the responsibility for care restores purpose when sometimes it has been lost due to a number of factors.

Am I an advocate for pet ownership? Yes…for the benefits when it suits the lifestyle of the owner. No…for the benefits when it suits the lifestyle of the owner.

What does that mean? It means that those very same benefits can be ours through other means. When a pet becomes a problem, then it does more harm than good. For instance, I would love to own a dog, but it does not suit my lifestyle. I have done a lot of travelling and am not home enough to be consistent in a pet’s care. Sure, I can hire someone to be there,
but it is not just about physical needs but also about the nurturing relationship.

So, instead I am often seen chatting to dog owners and dogs I meet on my journeys. This goes a long way to providing many of the same benefits as pet ownership. Joy and laughter? Check. Something to do and talk about? Check. Doing something like traveling, meeting new people and being active? Check.

Being out and about is a lifestyle with purpose and we can certainly include those feelings of being needed and caring for others through acts of kindness such as volunteering. It is important to our mental and physical well-being that we seek out these benefits in one way
or another. It is not good for us to be alone in our home with little contact with anything living that helps us feel needed. How we do that is entirely up to our interests and ability to do whatever brings us that joy and loving connection.

The takeaway here is that we continue to search for those benefits. To own a pet or not own a pet is not really what matters. It’s are we receiving those benefits or not.

February 5, 2025

NEXT BIWEEKLY BLOG COMING UP ON: WEDNESDAY February 19, 2025 WITH MERRI MACARTNEY The famous author of the book : "Don't Die Before You're Dead"

How to Talk About Mental Health with Friends and Family

Talking about mental health with the people we love can feel vulnerable, especially if we’re unsure how they’ll respond. But opening up can foster deeper connections, reduce stigma, and remind us that we’re not alone. If you’re ready to start the conversation, here are a few ways to make it feel a little easier:

  1. Choose the Right Moment.
    Find a time when you both feel calm and present. A quiet walk or a cozy moment at home can increase the likelihood of a desired response.

  2. Be Honest, but Only Share What You Want.
    You don’t have to share everything all at once. You might say, “I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed lately, and I wanted to talk about it.” Simple, honest statements can open the door to deeper conversations.

    1. Let Them Know How They Can Support You.
      Sometimes, loved ones want to help but aren’t sure how. If you need them to just listen, you can say, “I don’t need advice right now—I just need to be heard.” Setting clear expectations can make the conversation feel safer.

    2. Know That It’s Okay to Set Boundaries.
      If someone reacts in a way that feels unhelpful, remember that their response isn’t a reflection of your worth. You deserve support, and it’s okay to seek it from those who truly understand.

    Talking about mental health takes courage, but you don’t have to do it alone. Your feelings matter, and you are worthy of support.

February 5, 2025



In our daily lives, we are constantly confronted with a multitude of situations that challenge our perception. Whether in our interactions with others, our environment or even our own thoughts, the way we perceive things has a profound impact on our inner well-being. However, it is important to recognize that our perception is not always true to reality and can sometimes trap us in destructive thought patterns.

The Pitfalls of Perception in Communication:

One area where perception can play a determining role is communication. How many times have we interpreted a look, a gesture or a word the wrong way, creating unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts? These misunderstandings are often the result of our own perceptual filters, influenced by our past experiences, our beliefs and our current emotions.
For example, Marie, confronted with her own distorted perceptions, often found herself paralyzed in her social interactions. Her inner talk of “I’m not good enough” undermined her self-confidence and prevented her from taking action. She gave a lot of power to the looks of others, perceiving the slightest sign of disinterest as confirmation of her own inadequacies. These self-defeating thoughts kept her in a vicious cycle where she felt constantly judged and misunderstood.

The negative impacts on our inner well-being:

These traps of perception can have harmful consequences on our inner well-being. When we are trapped in our own misinterpretations, we find ourselves trapped in a cycle of negative and self-defeating thoughts. We begin to doubt ourselves, harbor resentments towards others and feel a growing sense of anxiety and unease, the sad thing is that it runs in a loop in our head.

With these misperceptions, it harms the quality of our interpersonal relationships. We can in turn judge others hastily, without considering their real intentions, thus creating communication barriers and isolating ourselves further.

Validate our perceptions and cultivate positive thinking:

In our quest for inner well-being, it is essential to become aware of our own perceptions and validate them objectively. As Marie discovered, it is easy to get carried away by our misinterpretations and automatic judgments, which can lead us to destructive thought patterns. Marie always had her antennas of vigilance ultra-open, picking up on the slightest sign of disinterest from her interlocutors and interpreting this as a confirmation of her own doubts and insecurities.

Validating our perceptions and cultivating positive thinking:

In our quest for inner well-being, it is essential to become aware of our own perceptions and validate them objectively. As Marie discovered, it is easy to get carried away by our misinterpretations and automatic judgments, which can lead us to destructive thought patterns. Marie always had her antennas ultra-open, picking up on the slightest sign of disinterest from her interlocutors and interpreting this as a confirmation of her own doubts and insecurities.

However, as she embarked on her inner journey, Marie realized that her perceptions were often biased by her own negative self-talk and also by her past experiences. She understood that her self-deprecating thoughts were fueling a vicious cycle of low self-esteem and social discomfort. Determined to break this pattern, Marie began to question her automatic interpretations and seek concrete evidence to validate her perceptions.

This courageous approach allowed her to discover the roots of her difficulties and to put in place concrete actions to overcome them. By cultivating a more positive and caring attitude towards herself, Marie opened the door to new possibilities for growth and self-improvement. She learned to focus on her strengths and qualities, rather than her weaknesses and to embrace each experience as an opportunity for learning and personal growth.


Beyond appearances, it is essential to recognize the traps of perception that can compromise our mental well-being. Misinterpretations of reality can lock us into negative thought patterns, affecting our self-confidence and our relationships with others.

Marie’s story illustrates this destructive impact of negative self-talk. However, by questioning her interpretations and promoting positive thinking, Marie began an inner journey towards healing and personal growth. By following her example, we can all learn to question our perceptions, cultivate a kind attitude toward ourselves, and embrace every experience as an opportunity for growth.

Thus, by deciphering the traps of perception, we can free our minds and cultivate a fulfilling inner well-being.



February 5, 2025